Sunday, March 18, 2018

Storyboard pt 2

Today in my blog post I am going to be sharing with you my new and improved storyboard. Last week I had given a part of my storyboard of what I had originally planned on filming.  After a lot of great feedback from my classmates I had decided to change up a little bit of what I am going to do for my project. Below is what I have come up with.

            My first pictures is the almost the same as my last storyboard because I will not be changing much on it. I will keep a news story planning but this message will explain that there is a missing child. This will explain the main topic of the film opening and give the audience a summary. My next scene will go straight into the kidnapper and the kid in a very dark, scary, in the middle of no where place. I believe that after this scene I will shot the family of the missing child and them panicking about the situation. This will give the audience a understanding of what is going on with the child as well as giving them a understanding of how the family feels about the situation.

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